Welcome to jonathanis.online
Hello! I'm Jonathan Rothwell, and this is my personal Web site. I write weeknotes on this site every week or so, and occasional other posts: photoblogs, deep dives into things I've seen/watched/etc., unstructured ramblings, the occasional short story.
You can subscribe to my blog posts with RSS, or you can get them delivered to your inbox. (You can unsubscribe at any time. Please check the privacy notice.)
You can read more about me, and this Web site, here. Thanks for visiting!

Finding me elsewhere online
I am also available (although trying to post less) on other social media platforms.
Toots auto-delete after 3 months. This profile may move servers depending on the Mastodon server landscape.

Where I post some photos (and hold my nose about posting to Meta)
Occasionally I also post about technology: