Impressions of Zürich

I spent a few days in Zürich in August last year for work, during a heat wave. Much later than planned, here are the photos I took. There's bodies of water (which, yes, I swam in, because that's something you can do in Switzerland, unlike in Tory Shittania.) There's lots of red. There's Swiss Federal Railways appreciation. Enjoy.

A self-portrait, en route from my hotel to a pond, and a water fountain near the pond. All shot on TMax 400

Zürich does have some surprising concrete jungle qualities…
Red cranes everywhere.

Red trains everywhere.

Utoquai. There is a Seebad here which offers facilities for you to swim in Lake Zürich. It's extraordinarily crystal clear. There's pondweed. I loved it.

Technical Information
Digital photos taken on my Sony a5100. Analogue photos taken on my mum's old Minolta RIVA AF35 (my SLR was in for repair at the time.) Black-and-white film was developed by me in CineStill DF96, colour film was developed by Rapid Eye Darkroom in London (referral link.)
Digital photos taken on my Sony a5100. Analogue photos taken on my mum's old Minolta RIVA AF35 (my SLR was in for repair at the time.) Black-and-white film was developed by me in CineStill DF96, colour film was developed by Rapid Eye Darkroom in London (referral link.)