Weeknotes 2023.35: Ending the gap

It has been too long since I’ve done one of these. Work got in the way. I made a brief sojourn to Switzerland last month. There will be a monthly photo dump in due course, along with some photos on my mum’s old point-and-shoot that I took in Zurich. But they’ll have to wait for now, since I’m off to a conference in the coming week.
We’ve been watching more TV. We’ve been very much enjoying STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS, in fact more than STRANGE NEW WORLDS because it doesn’t suffer from the latter’s tonal whiplash. CENTAURWORLD, which we’ve been putting off the final 2 episodes of for the best part of a year, was ambitious, but I don’t feel like it really stuck the landing.
HEARTSTOPPER is positively delightful (coming from me, a jaded cynic with a heart of stone who typically avoids romance at all costs) and I can’t believe I slept on it last year. I’m sure I’ll write something more about it soon enough, when I can be bothered. But for now: I’m just thrilled that this show exists. I’m thrilled that kids growing up today have these kinds of stories accessible to them. The last half of episode three made me happier than anything I can remember seeing on TV in a very long time.
The autumn crocuses are on their way up already in Hyde Park. No such luck on our balcony. I’ve been scatty with watering.