Weeknotes 2022.42: Are we a game to these people?

Let’s keep it a quick one this week. I’ve been working on a long post—a review of the HALO TV series (which I hated) for over three months. Much longer than I intended, and the review—more like a dissection of what I think went wrong with it—landed at about 20,000 words. It’ll be posted tomorrow.
It has been less than 2 months since I wrote a post about Liz Truss and ‘Broken Britain’, on the eve of her coronation as Conservative Party leader. Now it seems like we’re getting Rishi Sunak anyway—mercifully not a return of Boris Johnson, but not what we really need right now, which is a general election. I’ll probably write more about this, at some point. But what is infuriating is the people online and in the press who seem to view this as some extended soap opera, as entertainment—as if Rishi Sunak’s Eat Out to Help Out policy didn’t literally kill people, and people haven’t literally had plans to buy a house derailed by Liz Truss’s Mini-Budget. The lettuce may have beaten Liz Truss, but right now, the lettuce is Britain, and it certainly feels like the Tories would have us destined for the compost bin.
DOCTOR WHO: THE POWER OF THE DOCTOR was good fun. At some point I shall write a retrospective of Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker’s era on Doctor Who—a period in the show’s history that is equal measures delightful and infuriating.
My SLR is now in for service. It’s going to take around a month, possibly more: clearly there’s huge demand to get old analogue cameras repaired. The Film Renaissance continues: Leica have put the M6 back into production, with an asking price of a jaw-dropping £4,500(!!)—bring your own lens. Makes the £240 repair bill for my 40-year-old Minolta seem like a bargain.
There have been some nice sunsets to watch this week. The one at the top is what I saw from the office window on Monday.